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作品名称:That Wacky Woman From Flcl   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Maya  Digital Fusion  
发布时间:2011-02-25 20:04:18
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Haruko is not your average heroine. She's pretty - yes, but also mad, dangerous and never really on your side. Don't mess with her.
I tried to integrate that into the image, giving her a dark and menacing stare and a tempting smile. Always at her side are her Rickenbacker bass guitar and a Vespa 125 SuperSport.
Everything is done in Maya, rendered in Mental Ray and composed in Digital Fusion. I started the piece over a year ago, but left it for some time after loosing a lot of data. Be sure to check out the high res pic for some details. My main goal was to find a balance between the original anime-style drawings and a realistic approach to a female. Some things are exaggerated, but everything should still look believable.
I also made a wallpaper for a dualscreen, if anybodys interested. It's at 2272x852 and shows the vespa and some more background. Click the picture.
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来访时间:2011-06-29 15:16:56
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