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作品名称:A Concept Car Inspired By Female Anatomy   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Maya  
发布时间:2010-11-10 10:30:21
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I was inspired by the curves of the female anatomy and decided to mimic them through the delicate lines on an automobile.
I named the car "Shakti" a term that represents the active, dynamic principles of feminine power.
Shakti (Power) is a one seater high performance concept car. The car is on a display stage so that the imaginary audience can admire the car. Deliberate tread marks have been added on the clean surface of the stage to give it extra presence.
Images 3 is a small quick sketch I did while traveling on train. The sketch basically is what kick started this whole project. I was planing to do a male and female anatomy inspired version but due to lack of time I concentrated just on the female anatomy inspired version.
All comments are welcome. I hope you will enjoy my concept car "Shakti". Thanks
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