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  •  举报:Angelina Jolie Extreme Close-up
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作品名称:Angelina Jolie Extreme Close-up   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  mental ray  
发布时间:2010-07-30 08:26:24
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My criteria for creating a highly detailed character face was someone who is highly recognizable, attractive, and someone I could get a lot of reference material on. Little did I know many people attempt to model Angelina Jolie. I'm not even really a fan of hers, but I did very much enjoy creating this image. I hope you enjoy it too. I plan to submit to Expose 4 - So wish me luck! :)

I recommend checking out the hi resolution images, because this small image can't do the detail justice. Thank you very much to all the people who helped in the WIP thread with their crits and comments!
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