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Taking into account the critique some of you gave about Gloria's eyes, I had another look at her. Whenever I find something slightly off about a painting I will look at it in a mirror and the problem usually becomes obvious in the reverse image. In this case, the eye on the left was at a slightly different angle than the other. Also, the highlights in the eyes where an effect that I used to add a spark of life, but in reality her eyes are not open wide enough to allow for such a highlight, plus the highlight was too bright so the effect was artificial. Lastly, I found that the pupils where not in the best position.
I "wiped off" her make-up to start with a fresh face. I then repainted her eyes, added the pupils back in, left the highlights out and dropped the tarantula like eyelashes for softer, more natural looking make-up. I also lightened her eyebrows to open up her face a bit more. I'm pleased with the results, and I hope she looks more "alive" now. Thanks again for everyone's input.
Taking into account the critique some of you gave about Gloria's eyes, I had another look at her. Whenever I find something slightly off about a painting I will look at it in a mirror and the problem usually becomes obvious in the reverse image. In this case, the eye on the left was at a slightly different angle than the other. Also, the highlights in the eyes where an effect that I used to add a spark of life, but in reality her eyes are not open wide enough to allow for such a highlight, plus the highlight was too bright so the effect was artificial. Lastly, I found that the pupils where not in the best position.
I "wiped off" her make-up to start with a fresh face. I then repainted her eyes, added the pupils back in, left the highlights out and dropped the tarantula like eyelashes for softer, more natural looking make-up. I also lightened her eyebrows to open up her face a bit more. I'm pleased with the results, and I hope she looks more "alive" now. Thanks again for everyone's input.

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