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作品名称:Student Final Project    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  CINEMA 4D  BodyPaint  Painter  
发布时间:2010-07-23 22:58:00
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Hello everyone. My name is Jana Rot and I am graduated fashion and textile designer. For my final project - diploma, I have given myself a task to create a fashion collection of clothes and accessories made completely in 3d. As far as I know, noone has ever tried that in my university. I am, well was, complete beginner in 3d world when I started my diploma and that was more than a year ago. For the first months I have been teaching myself Cinema 4d and after that I have started creating my clothes and accessories. And here I am, after more than a year of creating this collection.
验证码: 1969  
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