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  •  举报:Timbrée
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作品名称:Timbrée   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  
发布时间:2010-07-23 22:25:04
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Hi every one,

Timbrée, is a French word with different meanings. The most common use of it is to designate something with stamp on it, but it could also designate a dumb person.

Few days after I started learning “particle flow” in 3dsMax, this pictures idea came to me and I flowed it quite easily and fast. From the very beginning until the last rendering second, I did spend only 4 hours… after what, few other rendering were made in order to provide some post producing materials. Next day, I made some color adjustment in Photoshop and added DOF to it.
A last point… I know that some of the stamps are “wrongly printed”. This is because I forgot to use double side materials for some of the stamps.

I’m asking, In the first place, those how felt something discovering this image, to describe that feeling in few words… what ever that feeling was or still is. I would really appreciate that.
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