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作品名称:too Sweet   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-20 15:37:55
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Finally finished..
Things learned:
I only need one brush to paint a painting.
Deadlines are a good thing since it keeps me from fiddling with a painting way WAY too long
Learned a bit more about depth in a painting (I think)..
Started with a rough pencil sketch and ended with a different idea then I started with:
It's mostly about how sweet things tend to attract us - or tempt us and we tend to fall for them even though we know they might not be good for us or even dangerous.
Tried to give her a slight bee like look (you know..big eyes, fuzzy hair and of course make her look "sweet and innocent".
Photoshop 7, hard edged brush, Wacom.
Too much time spent on this..way too much distraction..
Hope you enjoy :)
I'll post the close-up set a bit later today.
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