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作品名称:Old Scratch Returns    网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-19 09:18:36
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This is for a story about an ex-soldier who has trouble reintegrating into society. As long as there's a war going on, he's got a place, otherwise no one wants anything to do with him. Desperate, he makes a deal with the Devil ("Old Scratch"), as part of which he can't shave, cut his hair or nails, and has to wear a cloak made from the skin of a bear he just shot (hence he becomes known as "Bearskin"). He in turn gets to borrow the Devil's green coat, which produces endless money. After Bearskin lasts the allotted time, the Devil returns for his coat. There's a rustling in the leaves, and the Devil approaches... Bearskin is apprehensive, but he's not going to retreat. He has won his soul, after all...
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