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作品名称:The Firewood Flute   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-14 10:45:31
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Some peeps may remember this character from the 'Master and Servant' challenge. This is an illustration for a story i created around the 'Master and Servant' theme, about a servant boy who finds a wooden flute in the forest and discovers that it can help him with his errands.

In this scene he's collecting firewood and is getting a little help from the woodland animals...

I didn't finish the challenge because my daughter was born three weeks before the deadline, and everything went to pot. But i did promise myself i'd finish this picture. I'm in the process of working up the book with a view to publication, so i may be able to post more stuff later... but i thought i'd give a taster...

I'll post some close ups in the next day or two... i need to get some onto my webspace and i can't do it from the office!
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