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  •  举报:Open Road
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作品名称:Open Road   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Lightwave 3D  
发布时间:2010-07-11 08:18:01
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Here is my new work. I wanted to create a car in the style of MadMax or Fallout. Parts from different cars, lots of pipes and extra metal sheets, weapon systems. Lously based on Technicals from current war zones than DeathRace kind of car - I wanted to make design more realistic than SF.
Also I wanted to create totally different image than usuall. Most of the 3d is going towards reality, I wanted to make render look like 2d ilustration.
In my opinion it fits better for postapocaliptic mood.
That was quite a challange and something new for me, but it turned good - I worked with new methods and learned a lot during composition of different rendered layers and hand painting all scratches, rust and dirt.
For the backgrounds I've done small mattepainting using different photos and by painting to match the 2 look of the car
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