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  •  举报: Vibrant Orange
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作品名称: Vibrant Orange   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  VRay  
发布时间:2011-11-12 10:01:40
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This is my first Maya render w/a little help from my friends.
The car is a model from the Dosch library and the background is a Dosch HDRI. I had wanted to do a nighttime render for a while.
I didn't actually use the HDRI for lighting in a traditional sense. I cut out pieces of it and applied them to "cards". I then placed those cards in order for the reflections to fall where I needed them to define the shape of the car. Example: In reality, the right side of the car would be dark because in the HDR image, it's all water. Well, a car at night reflecting water isn't very interesting... is it?
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