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  •  举报:Around the Corner
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作品名称:Around the Corner    网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  mental ray  
发布时间:2011-11-07 14:14:21
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I was watching Aladdin the other day and I started to think about doing my own vibrant piece. I started this roughly a week and a half ago and just pounded away at it. The whole piece was created in 3D Studio Max and touched up in Photoshop.
I started by laying out a greybox form. This allowed me to understand the layout and how space played into the final image. From there I took individual assets and modeled them out in their own scene. After all the individual pieces were made I put everything together and set up the lighting. I knew I wanted it to feel bright so day time and sunny was the way to go by far. After all that was done I rendered this out in Mental Ray.
I hope you all enjoy. Thanks!
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来访时间:2011-12-09 15:05:02
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