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  •  举报:Look of the past
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作品名称:Look of the past   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  VRay  Digital Fusion  
发布时间:2010-07-11 07:32:09
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Hi, its been a long time since i last posted anything.

This is my latest personal project, an old 8mm camera i
recently bought and have been filming with.
I wanted to improve my filming skills, but ended up looking
more at my computer screen than in the viewfinder
of my camera. So it became more a study for hardbody modeling and shading setup.

I really love the look and feel that the old 8mm cameras have
and wanted to somehow give the image a rather dirty and grainy look, but still keep it pleasant to watch.

The final image is rendered with vray and the other smaller ones are rendered with mental ray.
c&c is always welcome.
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