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  •  举报:Christian Hecker
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作品名称:Christian Hecker    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  After Effects  Vue  
发布时间:2011-08-23 10:46:50
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This is my benchmark painting for this year. It definitely is the biggest project i ever did so far. It also marks a personal milestone. I'm really happy with the result. The project involved 2d/3d work with Photoshop and Vue on the one side. On the other side i learned a lot more stuff on the compositing and animation end of things when it comes to camera mapping. At first i only wanted to create a neat looking painting with an option for a camera mapping animation. I never thought i'd try the animation part any time soon but when i was almost through with the actual picture i started to play. A few weeks, and countless hours of render time later, there was the animation.
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