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  •  举报:Gloria Scholik
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作品名称:Gloria Scholik    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  finalRender  
发布时间:2011-07-30 08:17:59
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This is another image that I have named after a song, this one is by Amethystium, (my third image named after a song from this band, they are a real inspiration to my work).

I have been working on this image for a few weeks, I guess the hours spent on it to be 30 or 40. I really hoped to capture a classical effect. I am striving to do better at skin as well, and played with some different color variations than I have used in the past, yellows and blues with greens. Most skin was rendered using a hard round airbrush and airbrush in Photoshop. This pose was inspired by the painting by Herbert Draper titled Lamia.
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