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  •  举报:Wolfsschanze
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作品名称:Wolfsschanze   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  
发布时间:2010-07-09 11:44:09
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this is my last work, this is a today´s look of Wolfsschanze/Wolf Lair/Vlčí Doupě is a name of Hitler´s headquarters in the east Poland and place of assasination attempt in 20. July 1944. This scene tooks me about three months of pure work. All is done in 3dsmax, entire scene has about 5 milions faces, for big trees in background used Onyx Tree, and some correction of the branches in Max, other trees are bulit up from branches from Onyx Tree, leaves and other vegetation are self-made, rendering in Maxwell Render beta via plugin, not useless version 1 studio. Textures are done in Photoshop and some color correction in Photoshop.

Big thanks to all cg friends who gaves me a lot of constructive critics and many big big thanks to my friend Peter, thanks man.
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