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  •  举报:House at Normafa
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作品名称:House at Normafa    网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  VRay  
发布时间:2010-07-09 11:00:46
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I was asked to do the visualization for a project here at Budapest by the architect Satoshi Okada.

He designed the house and it was processed at a studio at Budapest. This was not a personal project!

He designed forest refugee as well that became so famous after Alex Roman's interpretation. The house itself is connected with it's rich, green environment once again therefor I thought I will try to make it in the style of the forest refugee.

Obviously I am not trying to take much credit here. I understand the ones saying ' HEY get your own original idea!' but please try to accept this as it was intended: a tribute to a great artist's work!

Any comments are so much welcome and apriciated!! I would really like to know what you guys think! Thank you for watching!
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