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  •  举报:Loïc E338 Zimmermann
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作品名称:Loïc E338 Zimmermann    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  mental ray  Maya  
发布时间:2011-02-07 20:58:09
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Hey hey hey,
A long time ago, when i was 18-20, i was drawing. Yeah yeah, drawing; with real pens, inks, terror, etc...
And my latest drawings were about chicks with guns, big robots, and collages. It was what one could call my "Otomo/Shirow" time.
Then, i started to focus on characters and i left mechanic on the sideway (some might see a relation with the fact that i still don't have a driving license which could be the reason of many frustrations, bah... anyway, i bought a bicycle few weeks ago )...
Autodesk asked me for some visuals, and this one was a rejected proposal for Maya, that i left at modeling stage.
Because i thought it was interresting (i know - it ain't a big revolution - the big monowheel thingy have been seen many times before) i felt like pushing it further.
Using my actual technique, the 3passRender+photoshop, i made this pict.
Occlusion pass, a raytrace + shadows pass and an HDRI speculars render. No texturing (which means NO ****ing UVs, yeahahaa).
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