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  •  举报:Manimal
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作品名称:Manimal   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  XSI  ZBrush  
发布时间:2011-02-03 08:40:39
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This character, Manimal started out as a zbrush doodle that I could never stop working on. I spent several weekends on it as well as quite a few hours after work. The head is based on a poly mesh that I use to generate a lot of my characters. As far as the design goes it just kind of evolved from a basic concept in my head. It was modeled and painted in zbrush, everything else was XSI including compositing. There is some minimal work in Photoshop on the textures of most of those were generated in zbrush. The lighting was a combination of traditional lighting mixed with HDRI imagery . There was a multitude of textures generated in zbrush for the layers of subsurface scattering. The whole process was covered from start to finish over on zbrush central. I would post more pictures with details here but I'm not sure how to add them to post.
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