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作品名称:Final Flight - Avro CF-105 Arrow   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Maya  
发布时间:2011-02-01 14:54:28
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This is something that I completed recently in my spare time. Modeled in Maya and textured in Photoshop. The Clouds were generated with Maya Fluids and I used PaintFX to generate the contrails. The afterburners were added afterwards using Photoshop.

The CF-105 Arrow, a supersonic (mach 2+) interceptor developed in the 1950's by Avro Canada. The jet in the BG is RL-201 and in the FG, with the day glow orange markings is RL-205. I chose these 2 for the significance of being the first and last aircraft produced that flew. I've been a fan of the Arrow since I learned about it and it's sad fate so I made this image as a tribute to Arrow and the people that worked on it. A picturesque view of the last flight, or at least how I picture it.
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