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作品名称:Uplift War   网友评分:
发布时间:2011-01-04 12:23:40
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This image was my entry for the recent uplift challenge. It is my version of how things would appear, based on descriptions provided by David Brin the author ,for events that may have taken place in the Uplift war volume in the series , I was contemplating entering the video challenge but that didn't happen , but what i did do is use the info given for the trailer to influence the image , to sorta put what i wished i could animate in image form . Basically whats taking place is here is , ive got my human ,alien girl athalea and chimps fighting together againts , the birdlike aliens (the guburu) and the gorilla (Irongrip ) on the planet garth the chimp in the center being charged by IronGrip is my version of Fiben who i believe is one of the main chimp characters in the book . the human and chimp side are basically fighting for there rights as independant sapient beings,contrary to what the alien invaders believe.You can check my challenge page here http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=235&t=613102 for the process.
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