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作品名称:Isskataa   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Painter  
发布时间:2010-11-24 08:15:54
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One of the nae’shaar….an ancient and powerful race that dwells under the waters. It is she who gives dreams to men.

With every new image I get more comfortable using Painter… before I was having a lot of trouble blending and detailing in the program, but something’s clicked. This was done using a combination of Painter and Photoshop, but I think I used Painter a tiny bit more than PS. I’m simply addicted to those artist oils. :)

All textures are done by hand. I made an effort to make the scales look a part of her skin, not flat or pasted on like I see in so many mermaid images (though, she isn’t a mermaid—she’s more reptilian than fish.) And speaking of fish, they were nearly the death of me. I lost count because I moved them around so much, but I think there are over 50.
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