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作品名称:Nelumbo nucifera or Just a fairytale    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Painter  
发布时间:2010-11-23 17:55:03
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I finally finished this painting I started many months ago. The whole scene started with this medusa, her dress and the sacred lotus flower. An imaginative story about the meeting of medusa and a water nymph who tries to persuade her ( using the magic of the flower) to come closer to the edge of the water (sinister intensions.. no doubt ) somewhere in a forest far far away.The waternymph is trying to mimic the medusa to make her less suspicious. Seeing beyond the masquerade of what appears to be just a beautifully dressed woman, she takes on the appearance of a horrible creature….
Initial sketching and design was done in Painter. When it was halfway done I imported it into Photoshop and never went back. I hope you like it.
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