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Inspired by Beijing opera. A character design I planned to do a series for in 2006, but it became my experiment into environments instead later on. -_-;;;
The monster's controller is neither the crawling character beneath nor the huge opera face mask, but the glowing spirit in the center.
Most disciples in the opera troupes are from lowly families that could not afford to raise their child, studying under famous performers or troupes hoping to one day gain the high social status as a celebrity. The training and treatment were extremely difficult and painful, those who couldn't do well were punished and abused to the extent it was inhumane. The ones who couldn't hold out and survive, their bodies were thrown into a ditch or corpses.
The monster's controller is neither the crawling character beneath nor the huge opera face mask, but the glowing spirit in the center.
Most disciples in the opera troupes are from lowly families that could not afford to raise their child, studying under famous performers or troupes hoping to one day gain the high social status as a celebrity. The training and treatment were extremely difficult and painful, those who couldn't do well were punished and abused to the extent it was inhumane. The ones who couldn't hold out and survive, their bodies were thrown into a ditch or corpses.

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