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作品名称:Joerg Warda    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Painter  
发布时间:2010-11-21 13:09:37
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As usual I start working on an image with no final name or title on my mind. During the process I pick up ideas to come up with a title or at least some kind of story line. This one is a quite funny one. It takes us to a far future where mankind lost the ability to love. Chaos, war and destruction ruled for decades. The last few survivors living between the ruins hunting for a jellyfish like squid that produces a substance humans use to raise a drug that make them feel love again. This so called Love-squid is hunted by using a kind of fishing rod with strong claws to capture the squid and leaching the essence of the Love-squid substance to a tank. I think this is a pretty wired story but who knows maybe the world is in need for the Love-Squid already.

critiques and comments are most wellcome
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