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  •  举报:Kaizers Orchestra album art
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作品名称:Kaizers Orchestra album art   网友评分:
使用软件:mental ray  Maya  
发布时间:2010-11-02 16:32:24
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Client: Kaizers Orchestra

People Involved:

Bjørn Harald Myhre: Art Director & Photographer, Textures
Myself: Modeling, Lighting, Rendering, Textures
Kent Løset: Textures

Software: Maya, Mental Ray, Photoshop.

We were approached by the Norwegian band Kaizers Orchestra to create the profile for their up and coming album Maskineri.

The concept behind our idea of a "Kaizers Cinema" came from how the Kaziers music has been described as being composed in a somewhat similar way to that of a film.

The dark aesthetic was appropriate to fit the bands existing profile. They did not want anything too bright and clean and wanted to steer clear from a "CG" look, while still maintaing a slight fantasy look.

Kaizers wanted their cover to be exclusive and standout a little from a more typical photographic cover, so a lot of time was spent on the album.
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