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  •  举报:Gustavo Rol
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作品名称:Gustavo Rol   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  
发布时间:2010-10-28 17:14:43
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For those who do not know, gustavo rol is a psychologist medium born and lived in Turin during the second world war. It is distinguished for his goodness of heart. Thanks to its capabilities healed and gave aid to many people during his life. Even today in Italy is remembered as a big man ..
and for having saved the lives of many Italian partisans in the Nazi period by the scope of its mistic manifestations.
This goes to the memory of a man as it is born every 500 years .. :)

I used 3dsmax and mental ray.
for lighting and the setting I received the help of Antonio, (user=lumacone on the forum of treddi.com) ;)
thnk you Antonio.
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