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Here is, finally, the other main character from my upcoming film 'The Chronicles of Nerm'! Targ is a gruff, no-nonsense guy that will have a very short fuse compared to BG in the previous Nerm film. A four-armed alien with grasping hand-like feet and armed with a plethora of pistols, Targ is a guy not to be messed with! This still represents the quality of the final film.
I've spent the last three years of my life working on this film and after about twelve characters and six sets, everything has been created. I'm now moving into the process of getting all of the voices recorded, and I'm happy to say the cast is coming together incredibly, including a celebrity voice. The production process for this film has been really wild for me and I can't wait to finish the film and share it with everyone.
Below are a few shots from the film of other characters and sets.
I've spent the last three years of my life working on this film and after about twelve characters and six sets, everything has been created. I'm now moving into the process of getting all of the voices recorded, and I'm happy to say the cast is coming together incredibly, including a celebrity voice. The production process for this film has been really wild for me and I can't wait to finish the film and share it with everyone.
Below are a few shots from the film of other characters and sets.

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