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  •  举报:La casa embrujada de Ñuñoa
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作品名称:La casa embrujada de Ñuñoa   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  BodyPaint  VRay  
发布时间:2010-07-29 08:37:46
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Title translation: "The bewitched house of Ñuñoa"

Hi folks

Here I go with a new 3D old house, I´ve based the ilustration on a photo by Jose Barrera who gave me the requested permission for making the 3D version. The house no longer exists because caught fire and it was destroyed.

I made the scene during my few free time using 3dsmax for modeling and UVMapping, Vray for shading and rendering, Bodypaint and Photoshop for texturing and Onix Tree for making the trees.

I´ll appreciate all your comments or critics for improve my future works

Thanks for watching and have a really nice 2008
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