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  •  举报:Wild 338. going California
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作品名称:Wild 338. going California   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  mental ray  Maya  ZBrush  
发布时间:2010-07-28 09:23:18
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A job found me few months ago. Yeah, it works that way. And although I'm kind of a bear, I decided to leave my cocoon for a while and accept the adventure.
The location was tempting I shall confess, so here I am crossing the ocean and moving to Venice, California, in a few days now.

To celebrate this I've decided to create a picture. Basically, this is me, 10 years older and 140 years ago, as a european dude moving for the goldrush. Hey it's not about the money (especially as far as the Euro goes...) !!

Thanks to my fella Fox who inspired me in creating a new CG illustration (understand more 3D, less 2D). This is kind of an exercise for me, pushing my limits a bit further, experimenting, etc... in order to feel more comfortable at work, and also to be faster for my regular illustration works.
Still, there is a lot of post process in Photoshop to put more groove in the final image, mostly for the colours, levels and stuff. Background is a matte painting.
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