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作品名称:watch out to whom your praying   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-27 13:57:01
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hello all,
i was coming back home by train from a mini holiday last sunday,my gf was sleeping i was getting bored of watching out the window. So i pulled out a sketchbook and started to doodle ,the first in 2 days and as i got into it..i thinked...why not make some helish creature with christian symbols to whom ppl came and worshiped and express things i ve always thinked of ?A couple of days ago i found time to start making it as i imagined ,the atmosphere ,the colors,the place,..the crreature the people...and ofc the way to hell...I never used this palete before ,of strong reds and yellows,browns ,but thats how i imagined it so there was no turning back.It became my struggle to asign symbolism to most of the elements in the picture ,from that point of view im happy how it turned out.
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