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作品名称:Who Has The Power   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-27 09:47:14
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Hi, long ago I used to spend hours drawing and painting, doing comics just for fun, since I discovered the computer world things changed, maybe for good but it is a fact I wouldn't draw as much with traditional pens and paper as before, Yeah, I know, "why shouldn't I?", recently I bought a Cintiq from Wacom, and I really like the feel of painting again but now over my monitor! :), Most of the things I dedicate as a freelancer is 3D animation, and some cartoons for commercials, but this is really my first full photoshop paint piece. I came with the idea for the "Master & Servant" Challenge, but couldn't finish, now I found the time to end it and I really hope to have your critics about it, the style was planed in a comical fashion, also included some elements that I actually have in my office (lamps, books, My Cellular and other stuff) I hope you like it.
验证码: 4189  
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