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  •  举报:Sacre Coeur
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作品名称:Sacre Coeur   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  CINEMA 4D  Maxwell Render  
发布时间:2010-07-23 22:48:54
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This is a project i´ve been working on for some time now and finally completed. The Sacre Coeur basilica in Paris.

The modeling was quite an undertaking and more or less a huge jigsaw puzzle as i had to rely on tourist shots of various quality for reference and had to do a lot of guessing on what some parts looked like.

I decided to keep the surroundings for this one simple, rather than filling it up with all sorts of stuff as i usually do. :)

The entire lot is modeled with Cinema4D R10.5 and rendered with Maxwell. Postwork in Photoshop.

A work in progress-thread for the model can be found here for those interested.
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