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  •  举报: The French Maid
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作品名称: The French Maid   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Maya  
发布时间:2010-07-21 15:13:03
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Fifi was hired at the mansion of the eccentric millionaire archeologist Bruce Jones, not for her cleaning skills and intelligence, but for her looks - although no one had bothered to tell her that... one day she blundered down into the very dusty basement, and wanting to earn her high pay she started dusting things...
I'm toying with the thought to do a follow-up image to this one day, to show what happens next - maybe she goes out on a date with him. :)
Used Maya Mental Ray with FG, no GI... hdri, 2 red pontlights on the left, 2 spotlights on the right... misss_fast_skin shader on her and the candle, plain Lambert on him and most other stuff... fall-off transparency on the stockings...
Any C&C welcome!
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