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作品名称:Forbidden Art   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-15 08:46:00
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The forbidden technique consists of manipulation of the underworld's spiritual energy, the energy of the dead. It was long ago forbidden to use such 'arts' as they disrupt the life and death balance. Some people skilled in dark arts use this energy to somehow extend their life span. It's a very dangerous method to attain power and lots of people have lost their lives trying. It is said a child will born and be skilled enough in these arts that it will bring the world to it's end...

The girl in this picture is a prodigy, nobody knows how or why, but she's had the power to manipulate the spirits since she was very young. Time has passed, and she's become corrupted by all the power this has granted her, and her soul's being eaten away by the evil spirits without her ever noticing. She's now sealing an amazing amount of spirits in a legendary sword stolen from a lord she defeated barehands, she's trying to create the ultimate weapon. But her soul is too weak already, and she'll never be able to control the monster she's creating, herself.
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