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作品名称:Here At The End   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-14 21:04:00
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It has been a long time since I last posted on the forum here. The main reason for this is that after my last posts I recieved such a great deal of work from the esposure that I didn't have time to participate much(plus most of my clients didnt like their work posted)

This piece uses a blend of traditional watercolor and digital work in photoshop. The watercolor is meant to maintain an authentic texture while the digital is meant to actually render the piece.

My main question is how it hits the viewer. I want the piece to give teh viewer a sense of carnage, sinister power, and overwhelming odds. I want this to seem like the future is a very scary place. At the same time I love the feeling that there is still hope in spite of all the bleakness that one feels if they follow world politics. Though, I am not sure how successfully that last part comes across here.
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