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  •  举报:Queen Triffidia
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作品名称:Queen Triffidia    网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-14 20:59:46
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Hello everyone,

I was recently commissioned by ImagineFX magazine to paint the artwork for a '2 Cover Special Edition.' (Issue 008 - September) Available in the UK from today :)

It was an incredible challenge, and one I felt pretty nervous about! Both paintings were completed in about 9 days from concept to creation. Luckily, Marcelo (ImagineFX art editor and all around nice guy) had a clear vision of what he wanted - For cover 1 I was given the task of painting a full frontal composition of a beautiful alien/human girl, and for cover 2 it had to be the same girl transformed into a nasty looking beast!

I have posted the beast version of girl, if you would like to see the other version then please feel free to check out my CGPortfolio, and you can find some additional information on my website.
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