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作品名称:My Lover   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-14 10:30:13
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Hi, this is Kooki. nice to meet you
That day was my 777th day anniversary with my girlfriend.
i though I'll never could draw her but fortunately, i could give her a memorable gift.
I printed the drawing out on such a big piece of paper, that it seemed like my girlfriend was stuck inside of the paper.
It seemed so funny to me, so i laughed happily.
the drawing was only for her from my bottom of heart.
I would love to say to the whole people in the world, that she is mine.
it was a great pleasure to drawing her face, also it was such a great experience.
celebrate us.
I love you Soojung. thank you for everything.
the scar on her neck is from her cat "Byul"
Thank you~.
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