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  •  举报:Roundeye Dragon
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作品名称:Roundeye Dragon   网友评分:
使用软件:mental ray  Maya  ZBrush  
发布时间:2010-07-13 13:23:19
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This is a 3D cartoon illustration created in my space time for self improvement.This dragon was originally designed by my favorite artist, Ben Henry.
He is also known by his nickname, 'Roundeye,' on the Internet communities where he posts. The title of this work, 'Roundeye Dragon,' comes from his nickname.
I am very honored and grateful to have been given Ben's generous permission to recreate his 2D drawing in 3D.

Based model done by Maya, Zbrush for sculpt & texturing painting.Export texture map,normal map, cavity map and displacement map from zbrush then render with mental ray.
I separate different light passes so later can adjust when composite in Photoshop.Background & smoke was matte painting by Photoshop too.
验证码: 2944  
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