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  •  举报:Order of Rising Sun
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作品名称:Order of Rising Sun   网友评分:
发布时间:2011-08-24 09:00:38
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Hello everyone!

Painting is a hobby to me, therefore I do not spend so much time on each piece, I do paint mostly paintings that take no more than 1-3 hours. But not this time, I spend a lot of hours of working on this artwork. It took about 2 weeks of everyday painting. I really like to draw in rough style. As I always say it makes piece look more vivid. Although all my arts are absolutely differ from each other. Every new one is a something new, and no matter is 2D or 3D. Maybe just trying to find my own style and path in Art, but I think I just want to try as much styles and i can before I find or create my own. It is always very interesting and difficult to became used to something new. It was a little preamble.
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