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  •  举报:Ben Wahhh at Deluxe Tattoo
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作品名称:Ben Wahhh at Deluxe Tattoo   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Painter  
发布时间:2011-08-24 08:53:02
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This is a painting I finished last week of my friend Ben Wahhh, owner of Deluxe Tattoo here in Chicago. I did this painting for 3D Total,as a step by step tutorial. The Tutorial will be published in a book this November, called "Digital Painting Techniques 2". I'm so honored to have been asked by them to create a tutorial . . . 3D Total puts out great books on digital painting.
For this tutorial, I wasn't interested in painting photo realistically. Instead, I focus on how to paint realistically while keeping a painterly look, which is much more interesting to me. Anyone can render the snot out of something, especially with photoshop, but to paint with a traditional feel, while painting digitally is to me, much more satisfying.
验证码: 6619  
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