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  •  举报:Monster With Child
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作品名称:Monster With Child   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Maya  
发布时间:2010-07-10 10:30:12
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Because even big monsters have a softer side...

This image started as a Mudbox practice exercise. The bug design is inspired by a creature I thought was pretty neat in a StarWars "Art of Book". The original design was credited to "Jun". I then proceeded to change certain aspects of it and eventually put together a bit of an environment for it. Needles to say that I wish I could model a whole forest, but the child in the BG would be old by the time I'm done and ready to hit render. Instead I used an HDR image from Devebec.

Thanks to my friends and colleagues for the copious feedback and early crits. (KE, GJ, MAG, GG) All flaws that are still present in this image are however entirely my fault and I hope to learn from them.
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