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  •  举报: Arda Koyuncu
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作品名称: Arda Koyuncu    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  mental ray  Maya  ZBrush  
发布时间:2011-08-18 16:01:25
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Hey guys,

I have been working on my demo-reel for a while and I have completed my likeness piece. I wanted to create some believable still portrait. I hope you guys like it.

Breakdown is pretty much like this.
I have modeled a pretty pretty rough base in Maya. I did not want it to be a decent one (topology was OK of course but the likeness was nowhere near the final) because I wanted to study the face in detail. On top of that I tried to avoid using symmetry as much as possible. After I blocked out some of the major forms of his face I stopped using symmetry and started working asymmetrically in a real early stage.

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