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  •  举报:heri irawan
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作品名称:heri irawan    网友评分:
发布时间:2011-08-11 08:10:39
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Since the militer has taken over the country the voice of the people has become smaller and smaller. Although they try to fight the corrupt regime with demonstrations there is no chance for the people anymore to change the situation because nobody can proof the incorrect wheelings and dealings of the militer. so the last chance is to send a secret agent who has to find the clear evidence of the corrupt behaviour of the regime.
For this purpose they are sending a guy who is able to work undercover either as a man or woman. When he(she) is invited to accompany the general to a big militer gathering, he´s finally able to get an evidence for the corrupt ways of the militer from three military men whom he finally kills in the toilet where there is no camera surveillance.
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