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  •  举报:Deep in the woods
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作品名称:Deep in the woods   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  CINEMA 4D  
发布时间:2010-07-09 11:56:58
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This is a privat project that i´ve done in my freetime. Its a dwarfen tree hut that lies deep in an echanted forest.I´ve tried to catch a fairy tale feeling in the picture. I rendered it in many layers and composed it in photoshop. The work on the tree,rocks and the mushrooms is done in silo. After that I´ve done some overpainting in Photoshop. Its one of my first works done almost completely in 3D, and I like this way of working on a picture. (Although it needs am big amount of time^^). I needed 3 weeks to finish it.
I hope you enjoy it
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