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  •  举报:Darth Maul Cyborg
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作品名称:Darth Maul Cyborg   网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  VRay  ZBrush  
发布时间:2011-03-08 19:54:46
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I have always thought Darth Maul was the most bad-ass character from the Star Wars franchise, and it was a pity to see him go right away. He definitely deserved more screen time! I came through an illustration of this Cyborg Darth Maul (btw, it's from a non-canon book, Star Wars: Visionaries) and thought it would be cool to bring him back to life. I was aiming for a realistic look, rather than a comic style, which is how it was portrayed in the book.
I started off with a really simple basemesh in 3dsmax which I exported to ZBrush for sculpting. Once it was done, I retopologized and exported it all back to 3dsmax. All the mechanical stuff was done in 3dsmax. The character was rendered with V-Ray and the composition of the different passes was done in Photoshop. I had a lot of fun doing this and I learned a lot (specially with the ZBrush-3dsmax workflow)! It's my first character and ZBrush work ever, so I hope you guys like it!
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