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  •  举报:Mauro Corveloni
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作品名称:Mauro Corveloni    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Lightwave 3D  ZBrush  
发布时间:2011-01-29 07:56:33
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Hi, guys!

That is my last work and I would like to share it with you.

Her name is Muriel. She passed away last year and she was a great person, that kind of person who knows to take advantage of life has the best. Always with a suport word and always with a beautiful story of life as example to help people... I miss her...

About the work... A lot of LW modeling and skin detailing generated in ZBrush. There is a displacement map used only like bump and another one of Tangent to work as details. Simple Skin for Skin (of course) and FiberFX to the cloth and hair. A directional light and an area light and a gradient texture used like ambient light and some radiosity.

Here you have a better resolution image...

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