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  •  举报:Time Under The Trees
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作品名称:Time Under The Trees    网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  Photoshop  VRay  
发布时间:2010-07-09 09:50:37
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This is my personal scene for self-training,a series of images to practice different seasonal and lighting conditions and how the environment reacts. My starting point was an Australian house: Toorak Residence but I have changed some architectural forms and some materials to fit my practice purpose. So it looks a bit different from this building now.

My purpose was to study how different lighting conditions change the mood of an image, how materials react to nature and seasons, how light shapes and defines our environment. So, I wanted to keep the same camera shot when things are changing.
It was fun for me to work on this scene, and I have learned many new things while working on it.

Thanks for viewing my work and I would reallylove to hearwhat you think about my work if you have time for me.This is my personal scene for self-training,a series of images to practice different seasonal and lighting conditions and how the environment reacts. My starting point was an Australian house: Toorak Residence but I have changed some architectural forms and some materials to fit my practice purpose. So it looks a bit different from this building now.

My purpose was to study how different lighting conditions change the mood of an image, how materials react to nature and seasons, how light shapes and defines our environment. So, I wanted to keep the same camera shot when things are changing.
It was fun for me to work on this scene, and I have learned many new things while working on it.

Thanks for viewing my work and I would reallylove to hearwhat you think about my work if you have time for me.
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