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  •  举报:Fashion Diva
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作品名称:Fashion Diva   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Painter  
发布时间:2010-12-15 16:54:14
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This is Fashion Victim's big sister. I was inspired much by some fashion shots (Niguyen) and Ponsonnet' works who always shares Ballistic Publishing submission pages with me. She also is the second one of a series that features emotion. Here we have a strict kind of emotion, that I currently use as self portrait at several places because it also resembles what I am.

If Melanie Delon knew about this... she painted me once. And it was absolutely beautiful. I was highly impressed by how she sees "the blue woman"... since I could never paint something that sensitive. So she was actually able to see another part of me people hardly see... You can actually find the painting when you take a good look around.
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