您的位置:首页 > cgtalk2007 > Ozanin Sarkisi Cover Art
Cover art that I made for a fantasy novel. Writer didn't have strict descriptions about the characters so he gave me the basic guides and let me do my thing. Here's what I came up with, I hope you like it.
You can see the actual cover design here:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/ebrehe/OzaninSarkisicoverdesignbykerembeyi.jpg?t=11826124 26
Photoshop CS2, UC-Logic PF1209-Pro Tablet
Approx. 40 Hours
You can see the actual cover design here:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/ebrehe/OzaninSarkisicoverdesignbykerembeyi.jpg?t=11826124 26
Photoshop CS2, UC-Logic PF1209-Pro Tablet
Approx. 40 Hours
验证码: 6385